Students experience culture in Seattle

As part of the co-curricular course, students traveled to Seattle to gain experience in culture and spent time giving back to the community. Led by Mandy Tate, instructor of co-curricular learning, students visited Seattle Art Museum, Experience Music Project Museum, Space Needle and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Students also took the Underground Tour, a Harbor Boat tour, rode the Great Wheel and explored the City Center and Pike Place Market.
Student Antonio Valdez said he learned a lot about the history of Seattle.
“One interesting thing we learned was how Amazon effected the economy and how it hurt the local economy.”
While there students spent time visiting and donating to the homeless population.
“It was a humbling experience,” Valdez said. Valdez donated a sweatshirt to a homeless girl. “We gave items for them to use, money and food.”
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